Rebel's spirit was broken by Special K, and now he has another
hunk to go up against
Angel. Angel is Rebel's size, build, and what seems a great
deal more power than the Rebel. He confidently throws sleeper
after sleeper on the Rebel, slowly destroying his ego in the
first bout. The second bout was only one hold. The Rebel with
a solid sleeper on Angel for the win. But back in the third,
it's Angel again throwing his power in every one of his holds.
By the end, there is a string of sleepers on the Rebel, kneeling,
standing, and lying that the Rebel just can't shake off. Angel
has deep confidence and a powerful body
and drop dead good
looks. Beating the Rebel on his first time out is HUGELY impressive,
don't you think?! Cool match
Rookie win over our veteran
hunk. |