Stephan |
Videography |
Sexy Steve Compilation
versus Sexy Steve
versus Sebastian, Sexy
Steve and tagteams with Sean
Second Scissors Tape
versus Sexy Steve twice
and Sean twice
versus Kid Q and tagteams
with Joey against Tarzan and then against Tarzan and Kid Q
versus Kid Q, Punishing
Pat and a Round Robin including Serge Legros
Stephan yanks
Seans hair for some leverage and more punishment.
Stephans fig-4
headlock on Steve is longheld and strong. He just waits and watches
the big guy go out.
Stephan with
this backbreaking chinlock on Sexy has him in trouble.
Then Sexy gets
this legscissors armbar. Looking great boys.
Then Stephan
tosses this sexy sleeper body scissors on Sexy Steve.
Check this out,
Sebastian suffers the same hold at the hands of Stephan.
Sebastian gets
a good view of Stephan.
An older pic
of an armbar on Kid Q.