'Mad Dog' Legros |
Videography |
and Raunchy 11
versus Dekker, Brutus
and tagteams with Dekker against Marky and Brutus
and Raunchy 7
versus Romeo and Sylvain
and a tagteam against them with Skull
ROUGH and Raunchy
versus Kid TNT, Denis
and tagteams with Kid TNT against Lenny and Denis
Headlock Tape
versus Marc Lapoche
and Kid TNT including a 3-way match
Dekker is really
taking it to Marky, but Mad Dog offers too workover Marky's balls
with his foot and here with some clawing.
Serge puts the
squeeze on Kid TNT with those big arms of his.
TNT looks a little
pained in Serge's clutches.
Serge throws
this big full nelson on TNT and stretches him out for the win.
Serge dominates
Denis by wrapping him over his knee and doing some ball-grabbing.
Mauling Denis,
Serge muscles on this armbar/chinlock hold.
Denis arches
way back in this huge bearhug. Serge enjoys outmuscling these
Even in
tagteam action he likes bringing his opponents down with those
bearhugs. Serge is looking awesome.
Serge's torso
looks hot as he holds Kid TNT's head hard between that big chest
and bicep.
And finishes
off the match with this hot pose above TNT.
Marc Lapoche's
head gets squeezed hard by Serge, as he wraps that big bicep
around it and holds tight...
...and then it's
all over as Serge poses over Marc's hot body.
Serge double
teams Romeo with Kid TNT. He full nelsons Romeo, as TNT gives
him some foot to groin torture...
...and then Serge,
while sitting on Romeos face, poses for the win.
Great shot of
Serge's dominance over Sylvain.
In a so-called
tagteam match, Sylvain is worked over by not just Serge, but
Skull and Kid TNT too. Hot action!
In this fantastic
tagteam match, Mad Dog's bear hug on Marky has his limp body
dangling in Mad Dog's clutches...
...then with
Marky now on the floor, Mad Dog goes to work on his neck. Twisting
and pulling...
Marky through some punishing torture.
Marky, yelling
in pain, is pulled way back over Mad Dog's thigh... and Brutus,
Marky's tagteam partner, is just out of reach.
Brutus and Mad
Dog in a test of strength.
Mad Dog
goes to work on big Brutus' arms, bending and scissoring the
first ...
...and then the
other arm, as he kneels on the other. Mad Dog is a very tough
wrestler, as a lot of guys can tell you, and big Brutus got a
taste of Mad Dog's wrath.
Mad Dog
body scissoring Dekker, as he has his big bicep flexing under
Dekker's chin, going for the sleeper. And Dekker is trying to
power out of this.