laurent |
Videography |
Dyllon Compilation
versus Dyllon
versus Andre, Marc and
Laurent is big,
tough, has a fantastic physique, and has the wrestling skills
to plow through all his opponents in his first outing with PWP.
Here's Laurent berating Marc as he punishes him in a solid headscissors.
Even the Rebel,
Bad Boy and Brandan had to be there to witness the new guy, and
to see what all the buzz was about. I'm sure they sweated a bit.
Here Marc suffer BIGTIME in this chinlock/armbar, getting bent
backwards too and feeling the pressure from the big guy.
This front facelock
really showed off Laurent's great build as he pours the pressure
on poor Marc.
Then Marc is
side headlocked... tight between Laurent's big chest, biceps,
forearms and abs... til he blacks-out.
Andre (hot guy
with an awesome body), gets manhandeled by Laurent throughout
their match. Look how tight this nelson is. Chin getting dug
right into the chest... Andre's big arms and shoulders and back
getting squeezed back hard.
Helpless, Andre
finds himself in Laurents commanding sleeper. Andre struggles...
feeling Laurent's huge bicep and forearm under his chin... Laurent
looks after this hot hunk.
Dyllon (Laurent's
brother), has developed quite a physique and a popular following
since coming to PWP. He is still little challenge to his rookie
brother. Laurent outmuscles Dyllon... here, in this camel clutch,
flexing out his big chest and arms.
Laurent shows
off his body, as he works over Dyllon. Here as he applies this
surfboard he digs his heel into his brothers back and pulls back
hard on those big arms.
And eventually
after much punishment Dyllon goes down in this textbook sleeper.
Laurent destroys 3 big guys in his first time out with PWP...
and he demonstrates to 3 other of PWP's finest wrestlers what
is in store for them too. Look out, this guy is HOT!!!