Bobby |
Videography |
and Dominated
versus Miguel, Brutus
and Marky
Bobby is one heck
of a BIG Bruiser!!! Size and strength is only half of the package...
this guy is mean! A shot to the balls has Marky in some serious
trouble. This is only a taste of what is in store for the hunk,
Bobby knew where
to find the chlorform and as he body scissors Marky, he takes
the energy out of him with a doused cloth. He laughs at his control
of the man.
Bobby manages to
get a nerve hold on the hunk, and Marky has no way of geting
out of the painful hold.
Then it's full
nelson time, as Bobby gets that big torso right upagainst Marky's
big back and pulls on those muscular arms and punishes his neck.
Marky is in a whole lot of pain.
Marky gets an up
close look at the his huge opponents crotch, as his had is squeezed
between those mighty thighs.
Marky reseives
yet more neck punishment as big Bobby headlocks the hunk. Marky
is totally dominated.
What ensues is
punishment extrordinaire... Bobby gets out a chair and sits back
and enjoys applying a had squeezing 'brian buster' on the muscle
hunk. Marky is completely dominated in this matchup.
Not only did Bobby
totally steamroller over poor Marky, one of PWP biggest muscle
wrestlers... but Dan even puts Brutus (probably one of the biggest
guys you could meet) up against the huge man. Brutus does manage
to cause big Bobby some pain earlyin the fight, but once Bobby
takes control with a headscissors that Brutus can't shake...
...and it's onto
the brain buster to take him down a notch or two. Look how he
has big Brutus moaning in pain. To the point where Brutus turns
to puddy in his grasp...
...and Bobby one
by one, takes out two of the biggest guys in PWP. This man is
a force!!!
And there is poor
Miguel. The monster, Bobby gives us a solid display of 'Squashing'.
Headlocking Miguel, Bobby kisses that big bicep of his and laughs.
His bearhugs almost
squeeze Miguel in half.
Look how he easily
picks Miguel up with one arm and tosses him around.
And of course Bobby
had to emphisize his domination with a nerve hold and brain buster.
Easily tossing
Miguel up over his shoulders in a back breaker... Miguel is destroyed
in yet another Bobby win.