Andre |
Videography |
Dyllon Compilation
versus Dyllon
Rebel's Return
versus Mad Maxx, the
Scottish Cowboy and Andre
versus Dyllon and Laurent
Dyllon finds
himself trapped in Andre's nelson...
...and then this
tough fig-4 headscissors with an armbar has Dyllon reeling.
Laurent gets
a taste of Andre's side headlock...
...and an armbar
works those big shoulders of Laurent over.
Andre is gifted
with a fantasticly sculpted body. Here he tries to slow down
PWP's mega-hunk, the Rebel, with this choke hold.
He manages to
get those legs around the Rebel still choking him with a fig
He works the
Rebel over a bit, bit is really outsized in this matchup. He's
not enough for our hero.
In his matchup
against Mad Maxx, our little muscle guy really tries to slow
this new PWP hunk down with some choking...
...and more choking
and even a hammerlock for good measure, but just can't outdo
this big guy. He's definately outmuscled in this one.