Match #1

Alex vs Raphael

Match #2

Jean le Rusé vs Raphael

Match #3

Alex vs Jean le Rusé

Match #4

Wesley vs Raphael

Match #5

Alex vs Wesley


Jean le Rusé vs Raphael

Raphael and Jean lock-up in a test of strength..

Jean emerges the victor with a side headlock on Raphael.

Jean show his mastery over Raphael with on the mat side headlocks..arm bars..

leg locks and a show of disgust at the weakness of his opponent..

Jean has Rapahel in his clutches...

He taunts and quickens the pressure on this jobber...

He has Raphael grimacing in pain with no way out...Raphael's only recourse is to tap out!

Here he is laying across his fallen and beaten opponent.

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