PWP Wrestling presents


Match #1

Guillaume vs Marc

Match #2

Romeo vs Guillaume

Match #3

TNT vs Marc

Match #4

Marc vs Romeo

Match #5

TNT vs Romeo

Match #6

TNT vs Guillaume


'Similing' Romeo Valentino vs Guillaume: The GraveDigger

Romeo likes to smile but he is one intense wrestler... as Guillaume quickly discovers.

The sleeper is followed by a head scissors...

...but the Big Man has Romeo by the balls. Romeo isn't smiling any longer!

Romeo is softened up with a sleeper...

...then an agonizing bearhug...

...another sleeper has Romeo dizzy with pain... and ready for...

...Guillaume's torture rack... he's not finished with the newcomer as he secures...

...a head scissors and clamps those powerful hands onto Romero's stomach!!

Now a front head scissors...

...and the poor Romeo is ready to be counted out.

A devastating sleeper and its all over for Romeo.

All that's left is for the Big Man to pose over another fallen opponent!!


 VHS - $42.00