PWP Wrestling presents


Match #1

Kid TNT vs Mike

Match #2

Kid TNT vs Sylvain

Match #3

Sylvain vs Lenny

Match #4

Lenny vs Mike

Match #5

Tag Team Match

Match #1

KID TNT vs 'Mauvais' MIKE

Kid TNT begins the match in control of Mike.

But the Heel reverses...

...and its not until the Kid rakes Mike's eyes...

...that he regains control of the match.

But the veteran Heel has the Kid in pain... he regains control...

...and the Kid pounds Mike's head...

...and then decides to pull out Mike's hair by the roots!!

A ball claw has the Kid down...

...and Mike keeps the pressure on...

...until the Kid can't see.

And then adds more humiliation.

The end is in sight for poor Kid TNT as Mike stays in control...

...and eventually puts the Kid down to sleep.